Collectic Auction
Bob & Sallie Connelly will conduct an Auction of Collectic General Store Items, Furniture, China, Trains and Guns at the Showplace in Binghamton on Sunday, December 14, 2008 at 11:00 am with a preview at 9:00 am.
Slideshow preview of selected items:Selling without reserve AS IS at a 10% buyers premium are furniture, including a cylinder roll desk, a "C" curve roll top desk, stacking bookcases, and a washstand all in oak, a butternut Dutch cupboard, a 5-piece mahogany Skyscraper Art Deco bedroom set, and 6 walnut Chippendale chairs, a birds-eye maple desk and chair, a circa 1930 Phildelphia style mahagony tilt-top table, and 2 burl walnut dressers; general store items, including an oak wall telephone, butter churns, a labor-saving bosom board, sad irons, and advertising items and tins; miscellaneous items, including mantle clocks, radios, vacuum tubes, over 100 contemporary candle molds, a large quantity of silver plate, and an unusual typewriter; china, including 54 pieces of Spode "Marina" pattern, 66 pieces of Mason Ironstone "Vista", 67 pieces of "Liberty Blue" -- some in boxes, and Jewel Tea "Autumn Leaf" china, including a cookie jar; trains, including 2 Lionel sets, 2 HO sets, and miscellaneous parts.
Selling at Noon: guns and knives, including a circa 1940 Model 94 Winchester rifle, a 30 WCF caliber rife in excellent condition, a 1937 Beretta Model 1934 9mm pistol with holster (taken from an Italian Lieutenant at Palermo) and fraternal swords.
Additional details, selected photos, and directions are available in the auction brochure (PDF: 451 KB). A slim (100 KB) version without photos is also available, as is a press release.