Lamp Auction Plus Westmoreland Glass
Bob & Sallie Connelly will conduct an Auction of Lamps Plus a Collection of Westmoreland Glass at the Showplace in Binghamton on Sunday, November 2, 2008 at 11:00 am with a preview at 9:00 am. Selling without reserve with a 12% buyers premium are more than 200 lamps and over 130 pieces of Westmoreland glass.
All of the items in this auction can be previewed in the auction slideshow.
The lamps, include more than 40 classic Sandwich glass whale oil lamps, many with matching spills\spooners; more than 50 finger lamps; also marble base, pedestal, banquet, student, Rayo, Ripley and Lomax lamps; burners, smoke bells, shades, chimneys and other related items. Over 130 pieces of Westmoreland glass, include lamps, dome butter dishes, sugars, creamers, vases, spooners, bowls, and compotes. Also in this auction: over 50 spills\spooners, mostly Sandwich glass. The Sandwich glass lamps include ring punty with 3 dolphin base in opalescent canary, and over 50 Sandwich spills.
Additional details, selected photos, and directions are available in the auction brochure (PDF: 635 KB). Description of the items and the order of sale is available in the auction listing (PDF: 58 KB). Photos of each lot are also available.
Absentee and phone bids for this auction can be submitted using the online bidform. First-time NYS tax exempt buyers must complete and submit NYS Resale Certificate ST-120.